5 favorite chick flicks

while at work i've developed a bad habit of watching one too many chick flicks and the bachelorette. which result in having to hold back the eye leakage.

1. the parent trap: circa non-crazy lilo. how can you not love this movie?! i knew somewhere out there i was bound to have a twin after watching this and went to camp just to see if fate would bring her to me...didn't happen. shocker.

2. pretty in pink: one word...duckie. if a magical lamp genie gave me 3 wishes my first would be for money, my second would be for strawberries, and my third would be for duckie to always be duckie and always be my duckie. for-eh-ver.
3. easy a: if you've been around this blog for the past year then you may have come across my easy a post. i fuckin love emma stone. plus, she's rofl's ultimate woman so i figured i'd include her.

4. 10 things i hate about you: i mean, #duhallday. my two lifetime crushes (jgl and heath obvi). i'm seeing a trend in my love for the quirky guy characters.
5. sex and the city: one and two. always. it's chick flick defined.

what's your fave?!

my favorite coffee shop: bourgeois pig

a friend and i went to go see the upright citizens bridgade in franklin village a few weeks ago and i was introduced to the raddest coffee shop in all the land. bourgeois pig.

first and foremost, i am not a coffee drinker...unless i'm drinking it in an enchanted forest. then i'm a coffee drinker. plus, they have cookies. delicious, scrumptious, amazingous (new word alert) cookies. how can i say no to a cookie? i just can't.

anyway, if you're ever in mah hood, check this place out. then go see a $5 comedy show next door.

OC vs LA: biker communes, pool parties, and night hikes

for those of you that know me personally, it's not a hidden fact that i loathe "the oc." i've kinda made it my life's mission to make sure no one that isn't from there goes there. it's a bubble. an old friend from high school actually congratulated me on my escape.

everything is so much better here. i came to the conclusion that this is where everyone comes when they feel like a change needs to be made. it's so amazing to see and talk to those people that just packed up and moved.

it's way cool, way more artsy, way more cultured, way more laid back, way more fashionable, way more accepting, way more everything.
oh, you know, just drunkenly welding at 2am. no big.
wasteland la pool party at the roosevelt. vip. i will never turn down free clothes and a cute leopard print bag.
hiking up runyon canyon at midnight and drinking wine? #obvi.

this blog is going through a bit of a change...and more of a transition too. sorry for the fuzzy graphics and a bit of mismatchyness. it will be done soon.

i moved to LA

ohmygodhi! i'm going to try this blogging thing again. i sorta fell off the face of the blogging earth for a bit there. i honestly think that having my computer stolen back in Jan was a major turning point. i really want to edit this thing but without photoshop it's beyond hard. and when the blog doesn't look good, i don't feel good about blogging.

anyway. i moved to la. april 28th. i moved here with no where to sleep but a futon at a friend's place. i figured it was now or never. i've now officially moved into a place with 2 roommates. it's pretty fab. so, here's where i give you my little room tour...
it's not quite finished yet. still need to figure out that blank wall by my bed and do somethin' fancy over my tv...which i didn't take a photo of cause it's so boring.

any ideas?

ps. that's my eeyore saying that he loves la. he really does. such an ee-whore.
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