1. the parent trap: circa non-crazy lilo. how can you not love this movie?! i knew somewhere out there i was bound to have a twin after watching this and went to camp just to see if fate would bring her to me...didn't happen. shocker.
2. pretty in pink: one word...duckie. if a magical lamp genie gave me 3 wishes my first would be for money, my second would be for strawberries, and my third would be for duckie to always be duckie and always be my duckie. for-eh-ver.
3. easy a: if you've been around this blog for the past year then you may have come across my easy a post. i fuckin love emma stone. plus, she's rofl's ultimate woman so i figured i'd include her.
4. 10 things i hate about you: i mean, #duhallday. my two lifetime crushes (jgl and heath obvi). i'm seeing a trend in my love for the quirky guy characters.
5. sex and the city: one and two. always. it's chick flick defined.
what's your fave?!